
What is Astronomical Spectroscopy?

This webpage is being developed as a supplementary resource for the Group Astronomical Spectroscopy



Spectroscopy is a niche part of an already niche hobby of amateur astronomy. More disposable income money is spent each year on bicycles than on all the telescopes, cameras and spectrographs in the world put together. The number of amateur spectroscopists around the world is therefore small; the number of active, contributing amateurs is even smaller. Spectroscopy is not like Astrophotography. Even with the best of equipment, dedication and quality data, you'll never see a spectrum as a "Picture of the week", you'll never see all the ego boosting feedback on the forums complimenting an "amazing" image. We just exist with the personal satisfaction of preparing the best quality results we can.

The "Spectroscopy 101" - learning the basics with a grating filter is a great way to start. It allows you understand the methods of acquiring spectra and the basic processes you need to apply to achieve a results which can be calibrated and analysed. Somewhere along the line the reality of achieving detailed spectral data or contributing to ProAm campaigns starts to sink in. The need to "upgrade" to a slit spectrograph is a major step. A slit spectrograph is a "one trick pony" and expensive, it does nothing but supply a spectrum to a CCD/CMOS camera.

Most of the "serious" amateurs eventually end up with a dedicated spectrograph set-up - to maintain consistancy in the data, and use a high resolution slit spectrograph.


Many amateurs apply their resourses to achieving successful astrophotographic images. This takes some dedication and the ability to set up their mounting (polar alignment), telescope and camera to allow extended exposures with their DSLR/ CCD/ CMOS camera. Then comes the seeming endless task of processing the acquired images (darks/ bias/ flats/ colour balance etc.) to provide an enhanced acceptable image.

Spectroscopy makes use of a similar range of equipment and skills, with the addition of a transmission grating or slit spectrograph to obtain not an image of the stars, but the their spectrum.

The grating disperses the starlight into a visible spectrum. This spectral image generally covers the visible wavelengths from 370nm (3700A) through to 700nm (7000A). Depending on the type of star (or other object - nebula/ comets etc.) the spectrum recorded will have a brightness variation - usually brighter towards the middle and show dark lines across it's height. These two features can tell us about the nature and composition of the star. To make the analysis of this data easier, the spectrum is usually displayed as a graphical profile - intensity v's pixel position; this is then wavelength calibrated using various methods to provide an intensity v's wavelength outcome. This resulting profile is saved as a 1D fits file for future review and sharing with others. Good news is that this processing is in some ways is much easier than processing astrophotos, and the main software used is freeware.

Using the 1D fits we can compare our results with others, consult amateur and professional databases to provide further information and share the data with interested ProAm programs.

You don't need a degree in mathematics or science, just a willingness to learn. There are many support groups available to the amateur, as well as professionals who are more than happy to assist you in all aspects of spectroscopy. Your rewards are boundless. You are contributing to the science community and by your actions encouraging the next generation to follow suit.

A great overview of the wide scope of spectroscopy can be found here Spectroscopy Fundamentals

The How to... section will get you started and then you can select any of the other section to continue your searches.

Check out the Spectrograph area for more details on spectroscope design, availability of commercial instruments and the DIY construction and testing of various spectrographs. 

Recommended Books and further reading can be found here.

There are many very well presented and useful spectroscope websites already accessable to the amateur. These are listed in the Reference Websites section and similar links are given within the various sections, these should be consulted frequently.