Websites, Forums and Links for Reference

This section provides up-to-date information on websites, forums and other interesting links available to assist the amateur in spectroscopy. Hopefully you will find it useful.
If you know of other material which should be added to these listings - let us know by posting details on the Group
Robin Leadbeater Developer of the Star Analyser grating. Plenty of good stuff on setting up and using the SA100/ SA200.
Fulvio Mete Very active in design and usage of spectrographs (and spectroheliographs).
Christian Buil The "Master". Not much in the field of spectroscopy that Buil hasn't done - designs/observations/ software - a wealth of knowledge.
Jim Ferreria Excellent results from his SA200 and the ALPY.
Jose Ribeiro Uses a LHiresIII and ALPY to obtain some spectacular results.
David Howarth A fantastic collection of interesting notes and observations -well worth the visit.
AstronomicalSpectroscopy Dedicated forum for amateur astronomical spectroscopy
The spectroscopy page of the BAA Equipment and Techniques section available here contains some very useful and up to date information. Well worth checking out.
AAVSO The spectroscopy forum is not "mature" yet.......
BASS Support forum for the BASS Project software
ARAS Active spectroscopy group caters for all. Access to the ARAS and BeSS database.
VdS Good German forum for spectroscopy
Spectro-L Good French/ English site for spectroscopy
RSpec Tom Field's support forum for his commercial RSpec software
Amateur Spec Not very active, but caters for all fields of spectroscopy, including astronomy
Spectral Processing
Bass Project A good all round processing package for amateur spectra. Being enhanced/ updated regularly
BASS tutorial Andrew Wilson's comprehensive tutorial - covers all the basics.
IRIS An older Buil software package for image processing, but has some good spectroscopy features.
ISIS Seen as some as the "benchmark" for processing - heavily orientated towards the Shelyak spectrographs
ISIS tut Mandatory "Introduction" to Buil's comprehensive ISIS software
VSpec I grew up on Valerie's software. Basic but functional, always handy to have installed.
SPLAT SPLAT is a graphical tool for displaying, comparing, modifying and analysing astronomical spectra in 1D FITS.
Spectra Displays a basic Visible Light Spectrum and Hydrogen Emission/Absorption Spectra - interesting to the novice.
SPCAudAce A good pretty comprehensive package - very capable, and recently upgraded to V4.9.
IRAF Professional Linux package, more popular outside Europe. Heavy steep learning curve!
MIDAS The Eurpean (ESO) professional processing software (Linux based) - again heavy going
RSpec (commercial) The commercial software developed to make grating usage easier for novices. Limited features, but useful.
Buil Tellurics A good reference source for spectral analysis.
ELODIE An on-line database of high-resolution stellar spectra.
Simbad A mandatory source for astronomical data. A must have link!
VizieR Skiff catalogue Catalogue of stellar spectral classifications.
NIST Comprehensive spectral line listing for all the elements.
spectral library Comprehensive listing of useful catalogues.
Gray Spectral Atlas A Digital Spectral Classification Atlas. Comprehensive, definitive reference source.
MKK 1943 MKK Atlas of stellar spectra, 1943 - based on the original photographic data. Historically very interesting.
HST Spec View Specview is a Java interactive 1-D spectral visualization and analysis application. Handles fits files.
BASS Solar Excellent source for all things Solar, excellent source of spectral information
Liege Solar A Solar Spectral Atlas covering 3601.0 - 9300.0 Ångstrom. Some interesting external links.
FAAS Bright Star Spectral Index. Seems to be based on the 1943 MKK data.
Other useful sites
LhiResIII drawings History of the development of the LHiresIII spectrograph - detailed drawings of the early prototype.
PHD2 The latest version of the guide software every amateur should have. Highly recommended.
Cartes du Ciel Now in V4, CdC just gets better and better. VO add-in to display Be star catalogue. Highly recommended
All Sky Plate Solve A good, easy to use astrometric plate solving package. Works for me!
AstroTortilla The original amateur plate solving package - once installed correctly works very well.
EQMod A labour of love by Chris S. to present a remote control package for SW EQ mounts. A must have for serious work.
AudeLA Support site (in French) for the AudeLA imaging and spectroscopy package.
SHS Fred Veio's site for the spectrohelioscope and all things associated with it.
ASCOM Mandatory inclusion in all amateur's software collection. Needed for almost every aspect of operation.
CAOS A collection of very useful information, by a group of professionals, who want to assist the amateur. Well worth the visit.
Samir Basic grating spectroscopy, of interest to the novice
Samir shoebox Samir's shoebox slit/ grating spectrograph. Good introduction to the basics.
Amateur Optics An absolute wealth of knowledge on all aspects of astronomical optics. A must have link page!
West focus A very helpful note on getting best focus on your transmission grating spectra
Allington Smith Good comprehensive write-up on spectrograph design and evaluation
RELCO Richard Walker's notes on using a fluoro starter lamp (RELCO) as a reference lamp.
BAA Database Useful collection (still growing) of amateur spectra, covering various astronomical objects.
Horiba Good information on the theory of gratings and spectrographs.
Gelato SN A must have comparison site for any SN spectral images. Defines type 1 and type 2 SN.